Change text displayed when hover on 'Action' block in a layout

Before I post this as an 'idea' I thought it best I check it isn't already possible.
When applying a procedure as the action on a block in a layout BOARD seems to default to displaying the procedure name when the end-user places their cursor on this column (as below)
Is there any way to change the text that is displayed, so that you can display something more meaningful than the "Run procedure name" BOARD defaults to? Procedures generally are named according to a convention, which doesn't often correspond with the best explanation for the end user.
right now we do not have the opportunity to change it, you might create a procedure with a friendly name that calls the one you want to run as a workaround.
If you think that a feature to show a different text might be helpfule please open it in Ideas.
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Thanks Antonio Speca, yes, that's the only workaround I have too. I have already created it as an idea here