Upgrading to 10.3

Adam Elvin
Adam Elvin Employee
10 Comments 25 Up Votes Second Anniversary 5 Likes
edited April 2020 in Platform


I am looking for some advise from anyone who has upgraded to 10.3.  I attempted to do this today and have experienced a problem signing in afterwards.  In the past when I have performed upgrades (just on my laptop) it has been a simple matter of uninstall old version, reinstall new version and everything works.  This time however when I have installed 10.3 I am unable to sign in as before, i get the message below:- 


My key file is unchanged and in the correct location, the admin account is still there.  If I uninstall 10.3 and revert back to 10.1 then it all works fine as before and I can sign in.


Can anyone offer any tips on this?




  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Hey Adam, I had the same problem. I was only able to solve it by creating the users again on my computer. I deleted all files in the folder: C:\BOARD\Users and then created the first user again. This seems to be a bug. I am sure it will be fixed quickly, considering this is only a solution if you have a handful of users.

  • Thanks Daniel Zillmann that fixed it. However I don't think it is a bug,  in 10.3 the encryption method of the User Security Files and passwords, has changed to use the SHA512 cryptographic hash function. Maybe there is a utility to assist with transferring large amounts of users to the new encryption protocol

  • dirk magerkord
    dirk magerkord Customer
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    edited March 2020

    Hi Adam Elvin, Hi Daniel Zillmann

    I have no problems with users created via Windows Authentication/SAML.
    Users that were created "manually" must actually be deleted and created again!




    New reporting functions ALWAYS lead to an error her!
    The export as pdf or snapshot is not possible, Error-MSG if icon is clicked! The export to Excel seems to work.
    Does anyone have any idea if this is due to some configuration setting?

    Don't even find the error-number in my logs!

    Huups: Dicovered a new logfile: It says: The object reference has not been set to an object instance.


    Need some advice ;-)

  • Hi dirk magerkord,


    if you are using the web engine on any other port than the standard one (80) you need to configure the snapshotter component correspondingly. That did it for me.


    Here the information from the release notes:


    Snapshotter (Printing Service) Configuration

    It is possible to change some settings of the Snapshotter  Process editing the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\snapshotter.config  (if you run IIS refer to IIS App_Data Folder location path).


    <add key="host" value="http://localhost:8011/" />

    It's the snapshotter process host address. Change the IP port if needed

    <add key="applicationUrl" value="http://localhost/" />

    As configured on your site bindings, for example: https://yourhostname.board.com/

    <add key="minPoolSize" value="1" />

    It's the number of Web Client (Browsers) that can simultaneously generates reports. By default it is from 1 (min) to 5 (max)

    <add key="maxPoolSize" value="5" />
    <add key="workingFolderPath" value="..\reporting\" />

    The temporary folder path where screenshots are saved while generating the report

    <add key="logLevel" value="Error"/>

    You can setup  Error, Verbose, Debug. (Error by Default)

    <add key="logPath" value="..\log\Snapshotter\{Date}.log" />

    The folder Path where logs generated by the reporting jobs are saved.




    hope this help.





  • Thanks! I hope i got it! ;-))

  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Thanks dirk magerkord. That still concerns me a bit, because the "Administrator" user is always a "manually" created user and in some cases the only user who can access the system settings, which means security. If all users who are no single sign on users need to be recreated, then you might have a problem if you lose your admin user. I guess that is something that we need to keep in mind now when upgrading.

  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Thanks Sebastian Gurt, I was hoping that this is a bug.

  • I think the new installers are available.

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    it seems that something with the conversion to the new SHA512 encrypted user files went wrong.

    Our lab just did some small optimization on this, so just re-download the installer and use this for further installations


