Calculate month to date

Hello, Can anyone help out with how to calculate a month to date and campare with the month to date previous year? The scenario I want to create is col 1 is Current week which will be displayed either choosing a week from the selector or using a pager, col 3 will be same week previous year. Column 3 will be month to date based on the week selected, i.e. if 2nd week in the month is selected then MTD will be two weeks of data, col 4 will be MTD Last year so again first two weeks from the same month last year so that a like for like comparison can be drawn.
Thank you
Hi Adam,
I do not have a solution for you right now, but it sounds to me like you should either look into the Time Entites enhancements from B10.1.0 (Board 10.1 Release Notes) or into "Apply Selection to a layout block" (Block Selections) in combination with some mapping cubes.
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Hello Sebastian,
There are some options to calculate the month to date.
Usually, when I need to calculate the month to date on a day cube, I create a copy of the cube by month, then I use the year to date on both cubes and use an offset -1 on the month cube, the difference between the two cubes will be the month to date. This logic fails in january (the offset -1 is the reason) so we also need a cube to identify if we are doing this calculation in a day in January or not.
This logic works also in combination with the previous year function, so if you need to make a comparison with previous year you can do that.
The Calendar enhancements are not designed for that, but there is a way to use them to get the month to date. I do not suggest it, but if you are curious just let me know.
I shared an Inspiration for the first solution, you might take a look
An example of Month to date calculation