TCP Tunnelling

I am being asked to connect to an Amazon RDS instance via an ssh key and TCP tunnelling. The question is do we support this and how is it to be achieved? My understanding is that ssh TCP Tunnelling kind of replaces a VPN so I would need to do the following things
- Download and install some ssh software (I have selected free SSHd)
- Download and install some public key generation software (for this I have selected PuTTY)
- Download and install the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver
I have been provided a url to get to the server, I am assuming that I need to generate a key and send it to the data provider to allow me access to the server whereupon they have said that they will place the password that I will need to access the url they have sent me. I would then just use this url and the logon credentials in a data reader protocol?
Is this process familiar to anyone, I am making an assumption that i do not need to putting the public key in the data reader protocol in anyway.
Accepted Answer
Hi Adam,
they are asking you to tunnel the connection through SSH - it's practically the same as installing a VPN connection.
You won't need to do anything in your BOARD Applications, just create first the tunnel and the ODBC pointing to the redshift nodes.
I suggest you to follow this guide:
Setting up SSH Tunneling - Windows - High Performance Computing at NYU - NYU Wikis
(the page is taken from a University wiki, just need to change the parameters at the end to match the customer requirements).
to setup the SSH tunnel. Once it's set, the ODBC should just work fine and BOARD should be able to retrieve data without having to do anything else.