Dynamic validation for data entry
I am trying to figure out how I can create a dynamic drop list for data entry on a data view.
For example:
An Entity gets flagged for the creation of an incident.
Once flagged, various input information is required - namely: Incident Type, Incident Category and Incident Sub Category.
A user is required to capture this information, but ideally I do not want them to have to scroll through the full list of options.
so.... if there is the following relationship:
Incident sub-category - Incident category - Incident type
Then it should be honored when completing the data entry.
The scenario should be as follows:
where the "Greater than 5000" and "Less than 5000" is a child of "Shortage"
and then:
where "Lost", "Stolen" and "Correction" are children of Incident category.
Is this doable?
Thanks in advance.
I managed to replicate your case an make it working using a Region - Zone - Customer Hierarchy (from demo sales application).
In the first block below I use suggested value by entity region (CODE). After this a trigger procedure populates 2 cubes for a dynamic select on Zone and Customer. In block 2 and 3 below, the suggested values are based on these cubes. See more printscreens below:
The trigger procedure performs the following steps:
The data read populates a cube with which you select the region that you can use as a select based on step. This will flag only the related members of the other 2 entities.
In the second and third block of the layout I use suggested values based on the cubes that were just populated. Because only the appropriate Zones and Customers are flagged; the dropdown then gives you the expected result.
Hope this helps
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Fantastic! Thanks Joris.
That is what I suspected, but hoped there may be another way without a procedure.
I will give it a go later today.
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