How to display week dates

A lot of my reporting is by week.  Board only displays the week number and year which is causing an issue with a number of my clients because it makes some of the reports quite difficult to analyse as you need a date reference.  For example attached is simple layout which shows the week and the value.  The issue is, for example, when was Week 13 2018.  I keep having to refer to my diary to work this out.  Week 13 2018 was 26/3/2018 to 1/4/2018.  It would be great if the week entity could display either the start or end date of the week, eg Week 13 26/3/2018 or Week 13 1/4/2018.  Has anyone managed to achieve this or can offer an alternative to my issue?  Thanks


  • Samuele Marchetto
    Samuele Marchetto Active Partner
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Starting from Brendan Broughton solution, it's easy to calculate the description of the week showing first and last day. Extract the week entity, create an ASCII datareader that reload it and, in ETL type:


    - in cell E4: =DATEVALUE(C4)-7

    - in cell F4: =DAY(E4)&"/"&MONTH(E4)&"/"&YEAR(E4)

    - in cell D4: ="Week "&C3&": "&F4&" - "&C4


    where row number 3 load code and row number 4 load description of the week.



  • Thanks Brendan for your help.  This worked.  My only problem now is the dates are showing in American format, yet my day dates show in Australian format, so don't think it is a setting on the server.  Any suggestions on how to get the week date showing as Australian date format?  Thanks.

  • Brendan Broughton
    Brendan Broughton Active Partner
    Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board First Anniversary First Comment

    Hi Louise Just, that would normally suggest to me it is a System setting.


    There is a reply in this forum post HERE, from Björn Reuber, that might help resolve your date format issue.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    If there is a need to show other aliases for weeks, creating a custom time entity may be helpful. The custom time entity could be a 1:1 relationship with the existing week defintion, but just show a different desc. The desc for each time entity can also be updated through a datareader to match whatever format is appropriate for reporting.