Month Name in Data View Block Title Without Time Axis
I have a data view which needs data entry for a particular month, but I also want to display a trend of data leading to the current month.
This is simple enough using the Period Offset function and selecting only the month that is needed for data entry, however, I then cannot put months in the column axis and hence cannot display the month name in the title of the column.
My work around at the moment is to rename the block PM for Prior Month, PM-2 for two months ago, etc. But this is less than ideal.
Any way to get this to work?
Dear Mark Schad,
thanks for your request.
For general you can also solve with all Months to show selected and the month by row.
You just have to insert another Lock Cube which denies the dataentry for all other months except for the actual one.
The DataView function to use is called "Locked By" Other data functions .
The Lock Cube must have values for each Month where no data should be inserted and for the "active" one it has to be zero.
I think this will be the easiest way to get your solution.
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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