Is it possible for a BOARD cloud customer to use their own custom font?

Is it possible for a BOARD cloud customer to use their own custom font (.OTF file) that is not included as a standard Windows font?  If yes, how would this be installed onto their cloud environment?


  • Hi Phil Marshall 


    While this may result in the desired font in some circumstances, I've noticed that in many cases due to browser differences the font may not be as specified. 


    In the initial phases of a project (while confirming the critical look and feel elements of a solution) I've asked for an alternative font that may be more reliable across browsers to try and standardise the online experience.


    So far, all have been able to understand the impact of browser differences, and can specify an alternative without issue.




  • Hi Phil, 


    there is no need to install a custom font on a BOARD server

    Fonts are only client-dependant. If you install the font on your client, and the other users have the same font on their client, the display of the font will work fine - installing it on the server won't make any difference.


    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Michele,

    Can I just ask you to clarify this for me? The font will need to me installed on the machine on which Capsule development takes place, then all users that are to consume the content on an HTML5 browser will need the same font installed on their computer?  Thanks.


  • Hi Adam,

    Correct - any client using or editing the capsule  will need the font



  • Thanks, but what about consumers who don't have the client, they are just using a browser, how does the font get displayed? It I think it would be unreasonable to install fonts on every pc that is expected to access content on a browser, you may not even know which PC's to install it on, there could be thousands!

  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Indeed, I have the same question here.


    For customers only using HTML5 to open capsules, how does that work with custom fonts?





  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Hi Eduard,


    That is possible, but every user needs to have the fonts installed on their computers. Any user who does not have the fonts installed will see everything in a different font which has an impact on the design. I've just done the same with a client who is a board cloud customer. Their IT was able to install the fonts for all users remotely, which made it quite easy for us. 




  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Oh, for some reason I thought that with browser experience it would work differently...


    I think I will stick with one of the default fonts, unless IT wants to have some fun installing font types around the wolrd... Thanks for the quick response Daniel!

  • I think this issue still needs clarification, regarding the web client.


    I have added a custom font to my laptop and it now appears in the Windows client and I have applied it to an object on a cloud instance. In the Windows Client, the font renders correctly for me and for a colleague (who doesn't have the font on his machine) a different font appears. This is as expected.


    When I log in to the same Capsule using the web client, the font rendered is not the custom font selected, even on my machine.


    So it seems that for the web, it is not enough to simply have the font on the client machine. Does the font need to be added to the server/web server then?

  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Hi Russell,


    Your experience surprises me. I have just been part of a project where we have used custom fonts and all we needed to do was installing the fonts on every users machine. That worked for the windows client but also for the web client.

    Maybe try clearing your cache? I cannot think of anything else at the moment.



  • Hi Daniel, apologies it seems I was a bit hasty in my post. The font didn't render when I initially installed the font on my machine but after a browser and/or Windows restart it rendered correctly.


    Does anyone know why for the web client the font is required on the machine though? For the web in general, typically a user doesn't need to have a font installed in order for it to render, do they?

  • Hi Russell,


    usually web applications will use WOFF (Web Open Font Format - Wikipedia), so  the font will be provided in the application itself.

    At the moment this functionality has not been introduced in BOARD. This said, using WOFF would increase the size of data transfered from the HTML5 engine, and according to wikipedia some browsers also prevent cross-domain use of it in applications (that we might encounter given the nature of BOARD installations in some specific cases).


    So the safest and most performant way is still to install the custom font directly client-side



  • Allow change of fonts in 10.5+ 


    Just to report in this thread - WOFF will be added to Board (it's now in roadmap)