unselect master

Hi folks,
is there any possibility to unselect the master-function. Once I have selected one item by unsing the master-function I don´t want to scroll down all the way to hit total again, but using a "Unselect" or "Deselect" function/procedure instead. I´ve tried the "Remove Selection" in the procedure already, but still got stuck with my selection by master. Is there anything like that?
Thanks a lot and cheers,
Hi Dirk Lörwink,
in WinClient you can use the refresh button to reset the master selection (upper-right corner of client).
In HTML you can use either the F5 button to refresh the screen or you create a procedure with one step --> "Refresh Screen". Users can click on a button with your procedure to refresh the screen.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
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Hi Johannes,
Thanks a lot for your quick response.
But I can´t use "Refresh Screen" within a Capsule-Procedure, right? Cause this doesn´t act the same way like using the refresh button in the upper corner.
I want to do it as easy as possible for like 20-30 users of that screen, so I assume a button was the easiest. But then I need a label with that instruction instead?!
Thx and bests, Dirk
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Hi Dirk,
just an addition to my first post: You can also press F5 in WinClient to reset the master selection.
You can't reset the master selection in WinClient within a capsule procedure, that's right.
And now a short instruction how you can avoid your master selection problem:
1. Deactivate the master layout in your dataview
2. Create a capsule procedure with two steps:
a) Apply selection to screen
b) Refresh Screen
3. Right click on drill down in your table in developer mode. In the opening window click on tab "procedure" and add your capsule procedure. It should look like this:
Your drill down now should look like this:
4. Create a second capsule procedure with the following steps:
a) Reset selection on entity (your entity) respectively Reset selection on tree (tree containing your entity)
b) Apply selection to screen
c) Refresh Screen
This would be the procedure you can integrate in your button you mentioned before.
5. If you dont like to get only one line in your first dataview after you selected the specific row, you have to options:
a) Use the layout selection tab in your dataview and select all items of your entity
b) Create a new entity and create an aggregated relationship to your entity.
The new entity should contain only one item: "ALL"
Normalize your tree to set all relationships of each item of your entity to ALL.
Let me know if it works and if you need further assistance.
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Hi Dirk Lörwink,
this is a problem that all of us have come across at some point I guess. Use of the master functionality would be easier, if you could choose to display the grand totals on top of the dataview (see my idea posted earlier). So two birds with one stone.
Kind regards,
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Hi Dirk,
What about to use the refresh native function into Label or Button?
You can create a button or a label with description: "Unselect" and then select this option in button/label settings:
Each time that your users will press this botton the screen will refresh;
Let me know if this fit and solve your request
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Hi Federico,
thanks for your support. Unfortunately I also have a Pager in the Screen which doesn´t react on the refresh.
I´m currently trying to convince my colleagues to have a different approach of the Input Screen.
Thank you for your suggestion!
Von: ffavarin
Gesendet: Montag, 23. April 2018 11:59
An: Loerwink, Dirk <dirk.loerwink@gigaset.com>
Betreff: Re: - Re: unselect master
Re: unselect master
reply from Federico Favarin<https://community.board.com/people/ffavarin?et=watches.email.thread> in Use BOARD - View the full discussion<https://community.board.com/message/2434-re-unselect-master?commentID=2434&et=watches.email.thread#comment-2434>