BOARD 11 - Calculation Procedure

Stephen Kirk
Stephen Kirk Active Partner
10 Comments Second Anniversary Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited April 2020 in Platform



I'm testing out the new BOARD 11 and am wondering if some clarity can be given around the calculation procedures and the options within them? I have started a new database which only contains:


Time period - 2019



Item - consisting of 3 members



Sales (Item, Month)

Sales Quantity (Item, Month)


Now I am trying to do a calculation procedure (similar to a data flow in BOARD 10)





Can someone explain the 'Calculation Domain' items?

I have run the procedure with the step as displayed above. I am trying to use this to set all months sales = 1000. Yet, it appears blank when I view it in a capsule - can anyone see why this may be?





  • Hello,


    The Extend options will run you dataflow on every combination of item and month, unluckily there is also a limit option only on the nonzero values of the source cube.

    Set the limit options as default (first radio button) and it should be fine.


    You can imagine the domain as the rows of a layout having the blocks you set up.

    the extend works as a "show all" option, the limit works as a filter (>0) on a given cube or on all the cubes of the layout.

    If you want to write a constant you will need to avoid the limit options and set it as default.

