E-Learning - Progress reset / clear - can we have this function please?

Finding the e-learning modules really helpful!
However, when any of the topics/ sections are not fully understood, it would be helpful to be able to clear/reset the 'completed' tag for any of the content. This would enable me to highlight areas where I would want to revisit to embed the knowledge/learning better.
Where a course requires all its modules to be completed in order/succession (ie without gaps), rolling back the 'completed' status to particular module would be beneficial, again, to highlight areas to be revisited.
These reset functions should not clear/lose any of the statistics used to identify courses/times visited (graphs / stats). In other words, if the system records multiple visits/time per module it should not lose these stats. if the 'completed' status is cleared.
Alternatively, perhaps a completely new field/column against each module in each course that enables the learner to flag elements he/she wishes to highlight for revisiting - perhaps enabling a "% understood" against each module.
Dear Mike Westley,
First of all, thank you for the time you spent to provide us your feedback, that is very interesting!
The “completed” tag cannot be modified, because its function is to communicate the completion (or not) of the unit to the LMS. This is realized thanks to SCORM standard, and it is not possible to configure a different setting. This field is also important because, once you completed a unit, this unit become available in the search tab.
On the other hand, your proposal to build a new field with a sort of “understanding self-evaluation” is particularly useful, and It could be an interesting feature to allow learners to “customize” their learning journey.
At the moment such feature is not available, but we suggested your idea to our LMS platform provider, asking them to take account of this suggestion in their development roadmap!
Kind regards,