Pending Data Entry alert message in Web Client
Hi all,
When working in the client, if the user inputs a Data Entry but forgots to save it, an alert message appears asking about saving the pending Data Entry:
However, when working from Web Client no question is made, so the user goes to another screen and loses all modified data. Is there a way to configure this alert message to appear in Board Web Client?
Thanks in advance
Hello Enric,
What a great question. I had not thought to look at this behaviour and now that I have, I'm surprised at the outcome.
So, the good news first. There is no need to consider this an 'issue' as WEB behaviour is different to that of the (outgoing) client model. Whilst there are options for the client, they do not relate to the web version as all entries, made in WEB, are written and calculated on once entered into a dataentry cell, regardless of client screen settings. You can test this:
- Open your CLIENT version
- Deselect Save/Undo DataEntry
- Deselect Refresh on DataEntry
- Open a web instance of your model
- Open the model in WEB.
- Enter a new value into the data entry box on your web instance.
- Do nothing else whatsoever in WEB
- Refresh your client screen (F5).
- Web values show in Client.
Now, my surprise is that 'all entries, made in WEB, are written and calculated on once entered into a dataentry cell'. So, if you have dataentry functionality on a spreadsheet type matrix, your screen will refresh and re-calculate each and every time you change an entry. this could make dataentry a very tedious operation as such 'refresh' behaviour is very inefficient, as well as preventing you from backtracking to reverse mistakes, as was possible on the client model.
Our own best practice (BP) on all screens which provide dataentry is to implement 'workflow' processes that capture @User previous settings to allow backup and restore functionality. we also implement datestamping and scenario entity members where required.
Hope this helps
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