Hey Guys,
Just looking for some insight on how to solve this issue that i am having.
Has to show full Fiscal year split by months
Has to have different heading for the 'actuals' months and the 'forecast' months.
Actuals are locked and are only used for reference when deciding what your forecast months will be.
Has to have flattened view
Needs to be able to see what the total Fiscal year value (Actual months + Forecast Months) and this is where the problem lies.
What I've Tried:
Detail by Fiscal Year (Block J) and comes up with value shown. When I detail block j by month and add row totals it adds up correctly, but i only want it to display a single column with the sum value.
Removed Detail by month on all blocks and added month to the axis.
The Dataview:

The Block:


A) Comment Cube by Fiscal Year, Company, Department, Region, Acc, Sub-Acc, Forecast Version
Detailed by Fiscal Year
Forecast(Cube) by Month, Company, Department,Region,Acc,Sub-Acc,Forecast Version
Enable Data Entry
This is the cube I want the forecast data entered to go in.
C) Rev Filter by Fiscal Year, Company, Department, Region, Acc,Sub-Acc
Just a Revenue Filter on the Dataview, Filter >0.1
D) Submission Flag by Fiscal Year, Company, Department, Region, Acc, Sub-Acc, Forecast Version
* Flag that Locks B & I
* Detail by Month
E) Actuals Month Flag By Month
Detail by Month
F) Actuals (Cube) Month, Company, Department, Region, Acc, Sub-Acc
Detail by Month
G) Algorithm, E*F
Detail by Month
H) Forecast Months Flag by Month
Detail by Month
I) Forecast, B*H
Detail by Month
Has Reverse Algorithm to push data into block B
J) Total (Forecast + Actuals), G + I
Thanks in Advance,
Dylan Fitzmaurice