Export screens as excel or txt files with dynamic name

we export screens as excel files and txt files. In BOARD I have to define a fix name, eg. Report. Now we have to add to the name of the report the month and year of the date when the report was exported, eg. Report_201806. And we have to set the files to 'read only'.
I do not think it is possible with BOARD functions (at least support says so) but with a batch file or anything else. Does anybody have an example?
I would be great to find a solution.
Thank you very much!
it's definitely possible using batch files as I have done it in the past. The difficulty is generating the batch files from within BOARD, i.e. using BOARD to create the batch file using layouts. I have a working demo of this somewhere. I will find it and post on 'Inspiration' section but might take me a couple of days as I am busy on project work!!