Procedure to execute .bat and other actions

How can I make a process that runs a .bat (at the Operating System level) recognize that it is over and continue with another action.Thanks
Hi Filipe,
Do you need to initiate the .bat via a Board procedure?
Could this be done on a schedule?
If you were to initiate the .bat file via Windows Task Scheduler, each action contained in the .bat should complete before the next begins.
For actions that require additional time to complete, you can add a 'pause' in the .bat. I achieve this by pinging localhost a specific number of times:
REM Wait 5 minutes by pinging localhost
ping -n 300 >nul
Let me know if you would like any additional info or .bat command examples.
Perhaps describing what you are trying to achieve in a bit more detail would help the forum users in providing more helpful advise.
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The problem is not the execution of the .bat, but for the board, when executing the execution action of the .bat, what in the background in the operating system, so it ends for the board later, and what it requires is that you really finish when you do what you have to do the .bat and then continue with other actions.