Review process for Idea : Feedback

Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments
edited April 2020 in Platform

Hello fellow Board community member and Board Employee,


TL;DR : We need more official feedback on ideas!


I know about the post linked at the end and that there is Board program - which I forgot the name of - for early adopted/beta test. Regardless, it's very disheartening to post idea in the forum at the moment.


One of main reason is the lack of official feedback. For example, even great ideas with 10% vote per view posted almost 2 years ago by active/trusted member haven't advance as "Planned".



Are those idea, not good enough? not on the roadmap? planned for 11.2? 15.5?

Why should I post my idea about a niche problem if these ideas that my customers requested every time aren't marked as planned? By the way, these 3 ideas are a no brainer : they should exist in the tool.


Also, idea that are actual done are still "Open for voting"




Therefor, when you open ticket on the support because you encounter known but undocumented limitation and the support team suggest you open an idea, you feel like you're ask to send a bottle in the sea. Example, where it happen to me :

  • Using Pattern based allocation with 3 entity in row.
  • Using NEXEL write in place feature and with NEXEL crossview 

Do notice, I didn't open these ideas, yet.

I've already create 9 ideas and I've go at least 9 more to be posted. But it's time consuming to document them clearly into a forum post and I'm wondering to what avail should I choose to spend my time doing so?


I understand, Board being very busing working on cool stuff. But in my opinion it's primordial to the Board community to get that kind of feedback from time to time in order to have a very cool and positive vibe for developer and end-user alike. 


I suggest review time frame being established every 3 or 6 month where Board give us a bit on feedback on the idea.


Finally, sorry for the rant but I feel there is probably constructive feedback hidden in there.


PS: Am I alone to feel that way about the idea section?






BOARD R&D Team: the idea selection process 

How to write and share an idea 


  • Hi community,


    I fully agree with this post.

    It is very disappointing to feel that the ideas posted are not taken into account.




  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    You make great points in the section about fedback loop. I've written from my point of view but I can imagine how as a prospect, browsing the community idea section isn't a great showcase to be honest.

  • Nicolas CHIGROS

    No! You are not alone!

    Welcome to the club ;-)
    I also think that some more information from BOARD could be very helpful.

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Actually, that reassuring to know! 

  • Absolutely agree.

    What about add this post in IDEAS area ?!

  • Thank you Pietro for your detailed response. 

    You have explained the difficulties of providing feedback on individual ideas so I wonder if there was scope to acknowledge the value of contributions, possibly by way of a public award to the BOARDville citizen - a low key, fun award.  It could even be announced at the Annual BOARDville conference?




    Paul Wyatt

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Hi Pietro Ferrari,


    Thanks you for your response. Very good to know how you proceed.


    Maybe adding an intermediate state between "Open for voting" and "Planned" would help the situation? Something like "Approved" or "To be planned"... For ideas, Board team decide have 99% chance to be done at some point but the when and how is yet to be determine.


    For me, it would relieve a lot of frustration knowing it's coming at some point under any shape or form even if it's 1 year from now. I would have some more concrete answers to my customer on their request and know the idea has advanced 1 step further (or not).


    Anyway thanks again for the answer.




  • Hi Nicolas CHIGROS ! You are not alone. I support your idea of an intermediate status like "Reviewed by Board team / integrated in the backlog", that would be nice.

    Having said this, I can also confirm that when possiblePietro Ferrari comes back to an old idea with news, it's not lost. Just long