Does labels using layout, ignore the format define for the displayed block ?

I need to display percentage in a label but using format to add a symbol after doesn't seems to work. I've got the following setup :
The result in the label has the 2 digits unlike if used in a dataview and more important has no % symbol after.
Is this combination of two features no supported?
Bellow the kind of workaround that make me die on the inside : Nexel. All because, first format doesn't apply, then because concatenate value & text keep all the digits of the value, finally because round isn't a function available in column algorithm :
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Hi Nicolas CHIGROS,
there's a trick to round numbers in a column algorithm. For this we need the mod function which is available.
round down: b = a - mod(a, 1)
round down with 2 digits: b = (a * 100 - mod(a * 100, 1)) / 100
Then of course you could add the % character in a second column algorithm or in the same. Be sure to set the type of the value to text.
b = (a * 100 - mod(a * 100, 1)) + ' %'
BR, Ray
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Thanks Ray Martens,
The worst part is that I've actually already seen the documentation you linked but forget about it (unlike the one for Nexel). Sadly, documentation is way to fragmented at the moment for Board. I don't understand why in world, this is not part or at least reference on
At least, I may avoid Nexel, round(x,i) is in the documentation you link and is working, I may actually tried round(x) and as it doesn't exist on assumed it may not be available.
Still "format" working would have been nice