Extract Board Metadata using Procedures or command lines?

Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
edited April 2020 in Platform

While waiting for this featuresA "used by" feature on cube - Impact analysis , based on the suggestion of Björn Reuber, I've done quick ETL project using Extract Metadata features to do it myself using Talend (for xml processing) and a Board dedicated database to view the result.



However, I want to streamline the process and I can't find a command line nor a procedure to call this extraction for the database and a list of capsule I want to extract.


Do someone as solution to this issue? Or should I open this as new idea ? 






  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Nicolas CHIGROS,

    you will always need to open a capsule before you can even select the facility of extracting meta data. Currently there is no way to extract the meta data of either a capsule or a database using a procedure action.

    So there will be left some work to be done manually...

    Kind Regards,
