Extract Board Metadata using Procedures or command lines?

While waiting for this featuresA "used by" feature on cube - Impact analysis , based on the suggestion of Björn Reuber, I've done quick ETL project using Extract Metadata features to do it myself using Talend (for xml processing) and a Board dedicated database to view the result.
However, I want to streamline the process and I can't find a command line nor a procedure to call this extraction for the database and a list of capsule I want to extract.
Do someone as solution to this issue? Or should I open this as new idea ?
Hi Nicolas CHIGROS,
you will always need to open a capsule before you can even select the facility of extracting meta data. Currently there is no way to extract the meta data of either a capsule or a database using a procedure action.
So there will be left some work to be done manually...
Kind Regards,