BOARD Win Client occupies a lot of memory on Windows10

Hi All,
Currently, i'm using the BOARD Windows Client latest release on Windows 10. I found that the BOARD Client occupies a lot of memory. It makes my Laptop very hot and slow. I think may be BOARD Client is not compatible with Windows 10. I captured task manager status when i work with BOARD openning.
Does anyone have same problem or any suggestions to improve?
I would like to give you some basic information about my system at below pictures. Thank you very much.
Hi William,
The Board client does take up quite a bit of Memory and it increases over time, the more screens and capsules you have opened, the higher the memory usage. At least that is what I have noticed on my computer. You should see that the memory usage is quite low after you have started Board and before opening any screens, mine is around 150MB and then it increases with usage. Other programs like Chrome behave in a similar way. I doubt there is much you can do about that and I do not think that it has anything to do with Windows 10.
Maybe it is time for a computer upgrade, : ) mine has 16GB and does not really care about 1-2GB of usage of a program.
Best regards,
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Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for your reply. For my system, 1-2 GB of usage is the biggest issue and i don't see any recommendations about system requirement when i install Board Client, just few required softwares and compatible windows version. Normally, it occupies around 500 MB when i open 5-7 screens, but sometime it increases to 1,7 GB, may be because i open database and update some cubes or entities. I think it can't be problem with basic database activies and data reader on Board Client. I really like your comment that it is time for a computer upgrade, haha.
Thanks and best regards
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Hi William,
I can agree with Daniel, more RAM could be helpful, cause today 4 GB is not so much. Cause if Windows needs to allocate more Ram (than you have), it's starting to swap (writing Data from RAM to Disk) and this takes time and CPU Speed (and because of this the notebook is getting hot and slow).
Do you use the LocalEngine of your BOARD Client, or do you connect to a certain server?
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I have the same kind of issue working with Windows 10, release 10.1.2. When working on some layouts, it happens frequently that Board uses more than 10 Gb of RAM (I have upgraded my laptop for Board with 16Gb of RAM). I'm working on a server, by the way.
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Hello Etienne,
The WinClient has no virtualization at all, so it takes lot of ram especially on reports with a lot of columns.
That's why in the web HTML5 client we introduced a virtualization logic that decreases significantly the amount of RAM that a report can take.
Waiting for the incoming HTML5 client with all the WinClient capabilities, i suggest to check if you have some report with a big amount of rows and columns.
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Hi William Le
Board client is fully compatible with Windows10.
Of course you can have different performance depending on your application, number of screens / tabs opened and from the hardware resources of your computer.
Ram, Cpu, Disk, Graphics card are all elements that influence the performance of a client.
In this document Speed Test Performance: definition of parameters and BOARD functionalities is explained how to verify the operation performance of the CPU, Disk access times and GPU Type.
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Hi William Le,
i have slightly modified the title of your question as it seems the core of the discussion is about the high consumption of resources you experience with the BOARD Windows Client, which of course determines a poor performance,
This should help all other community members to better identify the topic. Hope the modification is fine for you
Available for any clarification,
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Hi William,
I suggest you to keep on closing and reopening the Win Client when you're developing capsules. It's the only way to solve your issue.
Hope it helps,
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Hi Gabriele,
Thanks for the modification. I think it is better now.
Best regards
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Hi Björn,
I connect to a server in difference location. Sometime due to the internet connect, it takes time to refresh the screen, update cubes and entities. But i think it is not the reason that the win client occupies a lot memory.
Thanks and best regards,