How to use 'Reset to current screen' feature in select action

I really confuse about the feature below in select action in process modeling. Can anyone explain it and give me an example?
Reset to current screen. Resets the selection to the state of the select when the procedure was launched.
I William,
I use this option in some capsule procedures, e.g if I want to dynamically add a selection when the screen is opened (in this case the procedure is triggered)
In this case as first action I "call" the current screen selection and start from it, add the added condition (nested selection) and than apply it to the current screen, so the selection is dynamically applied only (in this case) to customers that have some values in a cube.
Hope this helps
best regards
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hi William Le
in addition to what Daniele Di Lorenzo as already correctly said, you know selections can be applied to different objects and actions in a BOARD solution, e.g. you can apply a selection to a screen, to a layout or use them in procedures.
This last case is the most interesting as it involves different aspects such as:
- SCREEN SELECTION (if triggered from a screen)
- LAYOUT ROW/COLUMN elements (if triggered by a "drill" or using the "button" functionality)
Coming back to your question, the RESET TO SCREEN action, can be used in the following situation.
Consider you run a procedure from a screen.
The very first thing that happens is that the procedure "inherits" the screen selection, therefore your selections (and pagers) will be used to filter or determine any dataflow action or any other subsequent action.
You can then, (considering you want to work "outside" of the "initial" selection inherited from the screen), use different select actions to modify it and maybe work on a different "portion" of the cubes and database than the one initially set by the screen you started from.
The reset to screen, basically sets you back to the screen selection and substitutes any selection you might have applied in the procedure.
It kind of takes you back to an "initial" state as if you had just triggered the button from the screen.
It is useful every time you have to "change" selections within the same procedure and you need to "get back" to the initial one.
Hope this helped
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In procedures that changes the screen selection I also use the action "Save current selection" and "Restore selection" at the end to get back to initial one.
This is equivalent to reset to screen, isn't it?
This is the case of multiple export of the screen (e.g. to generate a pdf by each facility) that apply to the screen a different selection before each export.
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the SAVE and RESTORE current selection are useful to take a "snapshot" of the current active selection of a procedure.
(note you can "name" a selection when you save it, and you can "restore" any selection previously saved, using its name)
The functionality of RESTORE is in principle equivalent to the "RESET TO CURRENT SCREEN" in the sense that it replaces the current procedure selection with the previously saved one (as the reset to current screen does, replacing the procedure selection with the screen selection).
In case you want to export multiple times the same screen using a different "selection", you can also evaluate using the Sample: how execute procedures cycling the entity members or using the broadcasting function as alternatives