Sourcecode Control?

Unknown Active Partner

In traditional programming environments, sourcecode control is the ability to track all configuration items and code contributing to the application. Does BOARD have some way of interacting with sourcecode control? I understand it's more of a graphical development environment, but I know many formats are supported by sourcecode control tools nowadays.


As a more general question, how do you manage changes across a team? ...and promotions from one environment to another?


I understand the transporter tool is an important part of change control, but I'm more curious about the workflow and communication across the team to ensure we can always rollback to a previous state if we need to do so. Tagging versions in a sourcecode control system lets us look at all objects in the solution with that particular tag. As we manage releases and project deliverables, this is very helpful when tracking exactly what was delivered, and if anything has changed since delivery.


From what I understand, most folks just take nightly backups and rollback to a particular day, if needed. While this is a valid approach, I'm wondering if we can get a more granular view by using some kind of sourcecode control tool. 


So far, GitHub seems to be working well for my needs, but I thought I would reach out to see of others can offer some advice to help me along.


Here are some of the tools I'm used to using.





  • Hi,


    I think it is impossible to have a version control like Github for Board because it is totally different between software development use programming language and Board developement. In Board, it uses physical id but in programming we use the name of variables or classes, functions. We often use version control to control versions/releases or backup and merge the changes from different developers, but in Board, it allows only one developer working at the same time. It is my opinion.



    William Le

  • I too, see a need for this feature. While strictly speaking having a version control may not be fully achieved as previous commenter has pointed out, it would be very useful to have a way to dump the specifications into a readable and comparable format similar to source code, with internal IDs dereferenced as needed. The output would need to be consistently organized such that between versions a comparison could be made and the changes highlighted. A source control system could be used to keep track of the versions.

  • I think there is definitely a need for a better source code control. Especially transporting from one instance to other and moving to production we need a way to ensure our changes move to production in a very controlled manner.

    Especially for Life Sciences (I am sure other industries as well) this is an extremely important requirement.