Blockchains in BOARD?

Unknown Active Partner

Hi folks,

     Before I try to build my own data model for Ethereum statistics, I thought I would ask if anyone has built one already? ethereum is a cryptocurrency like bitcoin. There are many blockchain projects underway, with many in Switzerland. Has anyone developed a model that can load data from a blockchain? In particular, has anyone developed a model that can load Ethereum smart contract history? 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Thank you Michele Roscelli for sharing your view.  You raise a great point that the blockchain infrastructure isn’t conducive for data analytics yet. It’s more of an OLTP focus than OLAP.


    There seems to be rapid change happening in this space. I’ll try to craft an idea to encourage support for this growing data source. If I can craft something useful as an inspiration, I’ll be happy to share that too. 


    If anyone has an interesting question I could use for an inspiration, I’m open to suggestions. Simple stats on price, transaction counts, fees and volume may be a good place to start. A dashboard on top of an interesting smart contract would be something I’d also like to try. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Following up on this, I've added an idea for a Blockchain Datareader and found a slick powershell script to get ether balances for specific wallets. For now, I can use this script to generate a local CSV file to be read into BOARD. Down the road, it would be nice to be able to pull this kind of data directly from a blockchain.


    Ethermine API scraper written in Powershell – I Just Do Things