Export Screen to PDF (Cloud environment and HTML5)

Hi everyone,


I need your help once again. I have had this request now twice from customers and I am struggling to find a good solution, export to PDF has been discussed a few times in the community but all entries so far are no options for a cloud server hosted by Board (at least I think so).

My customers want to export a screen to PDF, there are several objects on the screen and they are using the HTML5 environment on a cloud server hosted by Board.


I had a quite nice process working with export screen to pdf in a procedure then I uploaded the pdf to a blob cube and they could just download it from the screen itself after running a short procedure. I quite liked that solution but sadly it does not work in the HTML5 environment because export screen is not supported yet.


I am sure others have come across a requirement like this and I hope you have found a solution.

Broadcasting or printing just the whole page in the web browser are no options for my clients.





  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment Photogenic Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

    Thanks Björn, is there an estimated release date for that version?

  • Thanks Björn Reuber. I was looking into how to develop procedures to support a reporting structure that would generate customised PDFs and Spreadsheets online.  You've saved me a lot of time and work which would have been wasted.

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    Community Captain 5 Answers Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes

    Paul Wyatt - Avison Young UK, just wait for board 10.5, there something similar should be directly supported using Presentations


