Keep dynamic selection



I have a screen with a dynamic selection on projects. As you can see in the picture there are 76 projects in this dynamic selection with 7 companies (1.). If I select a company then, all 188 projects  within this company are shown in the project selector (2.). Companies are parents of projects in hierarchy.


Is it possible to keep the dynamic selection on the projects when a company is selected? So not all projects within this company are shown but only those which exist in the cube.


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,



  • Graeme Whorrall
    Graeme Whorrall Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    Hi Andreas,


     Not 100% sure on where users are doing the selection is it on screen or in procedure? I take it this is in procedure also helps to know the Tree structure if possible.


      But if it is in a procedure I would have a 2 temp cubes one for Project and one for company do your selection on each and then on the true child of the tree (which may not be project) have a third cube which looks at these two and if they are both 1 or greater set this cube to one then use this to dynamic select on.


    If it is on screen then it should work as long as company is a parent of project and they are selecting from the already available if they chose a company that is not available then this will set it back to  all projects as they have gone outside the already predefined list.


    if you can clarify which one then I can make a more detailed explanation if necessary?





  • Andreas Sauer
    Andreas Sauer Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary Board Developer Advocate Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    edited March 2020

    Hello Graeme,


    in my example I use it in a screen.


    The dataview shows the number of active projects in each company. You can see there are 76 active projects (in dataview and selector) in 7 companies. The cube of the dynamic selection on the screen is the same as it is used in the dataview.





    When I select company with number "61" then the dataview shows 12 active projects but the project selector shows 188 projects (all projects are shown in the selector of company "61", active and inactive). As you can see in the picture the dynamic selection on project is not active anymore .



    The tree structure shows that the company is a parent of project.


  • HI,

    Why not use the "flag active project" in the layout selection for the project list ? The nested selection will then provide always a list of active projects, even if the screen global selection includes inactive projects for this company.

  • Graeme Whorrall
    Graeme Whorrall Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    Hi Andreas,


    Can see when you select the 76 projects 7 companies are selected is the company you select after one of the 7?  if not I have seen it select all Projects, as the original selection did not include them can see from the grey bar to the right it is not selecting them all, if you click on Projects has it really selected them all (188) or just showing the ones which are assigned to the Company?





  • Andreas Sauer
    Andreas Sauer Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary Board Developer Advocate Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board



    Etienne CAUSSE you are right, it would be easier to use the "flag active project". However, in my case this is just an example because I have this problem with dynamic selection in several screens with different cubes and logic. I also use it to give permissions via a filter cube on user entity.


    Graeme Whorrall, if I click on project it shows the ones which are assigned to the company. I solved this problem now with your solution of the procedure. It really works well and only the relevant projects are shown. Thanks for your help.

  • Fethi ZERARA
    Fethi ZERARA Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hello Andreas Sauer , could you tell me what's the solution please?

  • Andreas Sauer
    Andreas Sauer Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary Board Developer Advocate Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board



    I solved it with a procedure. I set a screen trigger on the screen. The procedure includes the step "Select entity based on cube". When the screen is opened only those projects are selected which are included in the cube.


    BR Andreas