DB Security - dynamic selection on Cube and Capsule

Andreas Sauer
Andreas Sauer Active Partner
Fifth Anniversary Board Developer Advocate Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board



is it possible to define a security profile that is based on a dynamic selection on cube and capsule level? I would like users to see only certain projects in different capsules. Therefore I created a cube with three dimensions: User, Project, Capsule. The Capsule entity is the same name as the capsules in my system.

1. In the user profile I set the custom selection script: select user = @user (this works perfectly)

2. I also made a dynamic selection on Project with the cube above. Then the filter icon appears. As soon as I click OK the filter is away and the dynamic selection is cleared. Is it possible to set a cube as a dynamic selection in a security profile?

3. Is it possible to set the capsule as custom selection script like: select capsule = @capsule?


Thank you in advance.


BR, Andreas



  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Hi Andreas,



    By default, this is not feasible through the generic Security setup. You could do some workarounds by playing around dynamically with relationships (basically fixing the value in security to an aggregated dimension, but this aggregated dimension will contain different granular values). However, I agree this behaviour is far from ideal.


    Therefore, you may want to request the ~db through the BOARD support system which allows you to reach your requested behaviour (see more info here: Securities in 8.1). Warning, depending on your installation you may have to pay an additional fee to receive this functionality, but that's to be checked with the BOARD support team directly.


    All the best,