How user will upload a file ??




I want to give an option to user to upload a file (he will be able to browse to a specific file he want to upload). Helmut HeimannOliver BeirneSimon Scullion



  • Helmut Heimann

    Hi Sanjay Bindhani,


    in order to understand better what you're trying to achieve:

    • Do you want to upload a file (as in load a document to be viewed by other users, e.g. DOC, XLS)?--or
    • Do you want to upload data (giving the user the opportunity of defining the source-file)?

    The first option would mean loading the desired file into a BLOB cube whilst the second might not be achieved at all, since usually the path to upload data from is depending on the %BOARDPATH%. You could only change that directly in the DataReader configuration--and that's neither accessible to a non-developer nor does it have an option for using a variable on the filename.


    Kind Regards,


  • Unknown

    Hi Helmut,


    I m currently developing a budget model for a client and he need the flexibility to upload the file by his own and do the budgeting. He has past years data from which, according to his requirement, he will chose from the past years data and upload into Board and he will do his budgeting for next year.




  • Helmut Heimann

    Hi Sanjay,


    if I understood correctly you want to give the user the ability to start the upload-process himself--possibly first selecting the years he wants to upload, right?

    That could be done using a procedure to start the datareader, making this procedure available to the end-user via a button or label, thus giving him the opportunity to start the process at his own convenience.

    But, keep in mind that the location of the source file ist set in the datareader itself and that path can't be changed by a non-developer.


    Kind Regards,


  • Unknown

    Hi Sanjay Bindhani if the user is a Power user (which of course may not be the case) then there is always the option to use The Data Fast Track .  I'm not sure though if it is possible to only allow such a user to add data only and not entities or relationships.

  • Another simple way is to create a blob cube of the correct type then put it in a dataview with 'data entry' enabled.

    The user can select and attach a file, or files, to the dataview as normal, these being saved in the blob cube.

    Write a simple procedure that the user can trigger that extracts the blob cube. When configuring the extract cube step, just ignore the 'Path/File' setting, Board will not use it anyway. Similarly leave the 'Tab delimited' setting blank.

    The xlsx files will end up in the a sub-folder called 'blobs' in the dataset folder for the database concerned.


    • very quick to implement. Took me 10 minutes to set up and test.
    • allows user total freedom to upload any file from accessible from their filesystem


    • The file lose their names when extracted, getting names associated with the cube id, e.g. V0340001_0000000001.xlsx, V0340001_0000000002.xlsx etc....


    I guess you will probably need to ensure that their security profile can execute security critical procedures.