Dynamic Selection on Screen

Hello everyone,


I have a query regarding multiple dynamic selection on one Screen:

I have several charts, KPIs and data sets on one screen. Some of those should have a filter on the currenty Year, some current month and some current day. I know that the possibility exists to build cubes with such selection. However it seems to me like a huge work arround for the problem at hand.

I can manually fix the selection. However is there any possibilty of somehow selecting a dynamic filter taking the current date as reference, without having to build cubes for each label? 



I would appreciate your help on the Topic!


Best regards




Accepted Answer

  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Jonas Franck


    if you want to show the figures on one screen it is a bit more complicated. In my opinion you need another cube based like your daily based one but with month and Transfer the daily based data into this one with a dataflow or with your data load. 

    With these 2 cubes you can calculate your comparison for the month (here for 10.03.2019):


    Now the layout for the top right data (all other dataviews are only for checking the data):



    You need the monthly based cube (block d and f) for calculating the yearly cumulated value for the month before your date (this year and previous year). You can get it with the shown layout for the selected year (based on your selection of day). 

    For the cumulated value (monthly based) of the previous year copy the block and flag previous year option (see below):




    The rest is calculating. You see the calculation on block a and b. Then hide the blocks and you have your result with only the selection of the day for the screen (no other selections in layouts or so) and it is working for every day (also backwards):






  • Hi Jonas Franck,


    maybe you can provide a bit more information. A screenshot would help. There are many ways to get different selected data on one screen like refer to with procedure, ATO Pager etc..

    If you have different structured cubes (day, month, year) it is only necessary to select a day and you get the value of the day from the daily based cube, the value from the month from monthly based cube and the value of the year from the yearly based cube, you see: more Information could be helpfull !




  • Hello Dietmar,


    thanks for your help!


    I would like to create tiles that show figures for a certain period of time and compare them the figures from the previous year. 

    Year To Date would mean:

    Take todays figures (01.01.2020 - 14.01.2020) and compare them to the same time last year (01.01.2019 - 14.01.2019).

    I can select the date manually, to show the correct data. However it is absolutely not feasible to do this every day for every data set: 



    What I would need is an automatically adjusting filter that takes the current date into consideration:



    Filter 1: Year (2020) (only needs to be changed ones a year. It would be better to change to the current year automatically however)

    Filter 2: Day (<"current date" [14.01.2020]) 



    Filter 1: Year (="current year" [14.01.2020])

    Filter 2: Month (="current month" [14.01.2020])

    Filter 2: Day (<"current date" [14.01.2020]) 


    The filter would have to be applied on both acutal and previous years data selection to ensure comparability:


    Is there any posibility to apply a dynamic filter that automatically adjusts based on the current date?


    Best regards



  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes
    edited March 2020

    Hi Jonas Franck,


    you can achive what you want with the dynamic selection on day:


    This feature selects every day of the current year until today.

    The comparison with the previous year data is:



    For monthly or yearly data you can build cubes based on month or year and transfer the daily based data into them. They then show the month or yearly data for january respectively 2020.




  • Hello Dietmar,


    thank you for your help! 


    Your indication helps for Year To Date. 


    However, how can I compare the current month to the same month last year?



    Todays Date: 15.02.2020

    Dynamic selection should filter for 01.02.2020 - 15.02.2020 an compare it to 01.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.


    Is there any way to do this without resorting to building additional cubes?


    Best regards



  • Dear Jonas Franck,


    please have a look to the secon Screenshot of Dietmar Jeschkeit.


    Inside Layout Blocks you can use the function (Vorjahr -> Previous Year). Using this the block shows the data one Year before the screen selection.


    Means you have to insert your block twice to your layout. Once with the previous year function and once without.


    Further on you can use this blocks directly to display, to calculate, ...


    hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Hello Dietmar Jeschkeit,


    thanks a lot! I know what to do now

    However it seem like a workaround, for a workaround... It is a bit unfortunate that there is no possibility to make a dynamic selection on the current month directly in the condiguration of the layout.




    Best regards



  • Hi Jonas Franck,


    it is possible to set a reference to the actual month directly in the block. But without a procedure that´s not flexible (if you want to change the selected day on the screen). 

    You can set up a custom time entity where you define (with the relationship) which month is the actual month. But as i said before that´s not flexible if you want to have the selection on day flexible.

    There are certainly more possibilities to achive what you want (procedures, nexel, etc.).




  • Hi Dietmar,


    just a short question to your solution by calculating in the layout.

    Will the calculation be correct for January or will Board use the number for December, because of the "period offset"?

    Because in this case the calculation will not be correct, or am I wrong?


    Kind Regards



  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes
    edited March 2020

    Hi Steve Pankrath,


    you are right. My fault. But you can extend the layout with more blocks to calculate something other when the month from the selected day is January.

    Here an example:


    The day by row and then month as entity. If you don´t want to see the day you can set the width of the column to 0.


