Screen Security for Individual User
Hi Boardville,
I would like to create a screen, which can only be seen by selected Board Users to an existing capsule, which is used by multiple users. Is this possible via security profiles or will I need to set up an additional folder for these selected individuals?
Hi Mathias Flintrop,
you could achieve that with a little workaround:
First, you'll need user security enabled with select user=@MyUser.
Then you'd have to define a cube with those users that shall be allowed to call the screen. If the current user tries to open the screen, there could be an "on open-trigger" procedure checking whether the user is allowed or not and denying, if not. This cube can also be used in a layout of a button/label to change the accessibility of that button/label according to the user's entry in the cube.
If you have further questions let me know...
Hope this helps,
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Hi Mathias,
in addition to Helmut Heimann post: this is the best way if you have enabled the capsule properties option "hide screen" and the users getting on the screen have no developer or power user rights.
If these conditions are not fulfilled, it is advisable to create your own capsule with a separate directory.