Assignment a*b with Text Cube

Unknown Active Partner



I have a cube with the following entities:
• Day
• Vehicle (SPARSE)
• StartDate (time format 00: 00: 00 => MaxItemNumber = 86400) (SPARSE)


I have a cube of assignment of vehicles per employee of form:
• Day
• Vehicle (SPARSE)
• Employee (SPARSE)


I just want to have a cube
• Day
• Vehicle (SPARSE)
• Employee (SPARSE)
• StartDate (time format 00: 00: 00 => MaxItemNumber = 86400)


With a digital cube, just do c = a * b, and it's OK and fast.
With a text cube, what is the syntax because a * b does not work?


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Sébastien LEGER,


    unfortunately, you didn't tell us which of your cubes is the text cube. I presume it to be the first one (and the target).

    My idea would be to treat the time (you originally formatted as text) in a manner that BOARD can deal with: make it an integer number (like EXCEL does). You could even use EXCEL to calculate the appropriate values needed to populate the entity "StartDate"--which, as description should have the time in a user-understandable format (like it is now in your text cube).

    That should do the trick--and you'll get the possibility of defining a list of allowed values to enter in your StartDate-Cube.


    Best Regards,


  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Hi Helmut,


    Thanks a lot for your answer.


    The objectifve is to add a collaborator dimension.

    It's very fast with a numeric cube => a*b


    The fisrt cube is a text cube.

    The second is an single cube.

    The last cube, the destination, is a text cube.


    I try with a dataflow => if(b=1,a,"")


    It's very very slow ...

  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Hi Helmut,


    Thanks a lot for your answer.


    The objectifve is to add a collaborator dimension.

    It's very fast with a numeric cube => a*b


    The fisrt cube is a text cube.

    The second is an single cube.

    The last cube, the destination, is a text cube.


    I try with a dataflow => if(b=1,a,"")


    It's very very slow ...