How to insert an empty column?



in the past it worked to create a new block, put column algorithm "-" (without quotation marks) and that was it. I got a column which I could format with grey colour to have a seperator in my table between different blocks.


What is the best solution for that nowadays?


Beste regards

Hannes Keller


  • Samuele Marchetto
    Samuele Marchetto Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2020


    you can digit " " as text algorithm and it works:





  • Hannes Keller
    Hannes Keller Customer
    Second Anniversary First Comment 5 Likes
    edited March 2020

    Hey Marc,


    excellent, thanks a lot for that quick reply.


    Next question to solve is, that I have selected two years and have them in columns. Due to that I would have 2 "empty" columns now, one for each year. Another idea for that? Or just put a reference to only one year...ok that does not work.



  • Johannes Blischke
    edited March 2020

    Hey Hannes Keller,


    you can use the "Detail by" function for your cube and remove the entity by column.




    The sorting of your blocks in the layout now does effect the sorting in frontend, e.g. empty block as block "a", cube as block "b":




    Let me know if you need further assistance.




  • Mads Meissner
    Mads Meissner Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 2025 March Badge of Impact Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited March 2020

    Hi Hannes,
    a solution where you weren't that far away is to activate "Detail by" for Cube 1 and 2 which you find on the Reference tab.



    This is how it looks like with the Year on the Column Axis.


    (Additionally: if you have a column algorithm with " ", you can add a simple blank space in the Block Heading to avoid the " being shown in the header)


    So if you use Detail by year for both Cube 1 and Cube 2 and remove the year in the axis, you will get the following dataview:





    But consider the changed behaviour of the dataview: you will now get the cube values "individually", so complete Cube 1 and the Cube 2 following the blank instead of all values year by year.


    Best regards from Berlin,



    Edit: ok you really have to be fast to be the first response here :-)

  • Samuele Marchetto
    Samuele Marchetto Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2020

    Another way is to calculate empty algorithm like "a*0" and set it as Number. In this case you obtain something like that:



    but you have check the "Show All" option by row. To hide heading you have to set the same color for font and background (tab format for block b).

  • Samuele Marchetto
    Samuele Marchetto Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes

    Sorry, the last row is: "but you have to check the "Show All" option by COLUMN"

  • Hannes Keller
    Hannes Keller Customer
    Second Anniversary First Comment 5 Likes
    edited March 2020

    Thank you all for your comments. One problem also was to have years and months in the same layout and to have just one column independently a selection of multiple years and months.


    I am not sure why it did not work, but now it works the easiest way:




    No References, nothing. 




    Case closed for now.