Nexel Writeback Configuration
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could please explain what do the two settings below control when enabling Nexel Writeback and in which order do we select them.
As per the Board Help Guide:
Nexel Write Back Command : it executes the Nexel Action in Data Entry mode paging throughout all the dimensions of the target cube that are not included in the layout axis. The Procedure Action logics are closer to a recurrent data-entry action than a data-flow and may then be much faster.
Select the Nexel Action from the Library. Choose if the command should use the active Selections and/or Pagers Item when the Nexel Formulas have been saved or the Procedure Selections.
Edit Button opens the Nexel Action in Formula Editor mode.
Any guidance appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi Aamir Ahsan,
it has been a while since you posted this question. Have you received any reply from Board directly?
I don't have deep knowledge of how the UI is programmed, so I'm just guessing here: Could the second option simply be misspelled? I believe that it shoud say "Use configuration pagers". From what I experienced, the Nexel writeback will keep the "filter" you had active at the time you where writing the nexel formulas. If I'm correct, these two check-boxes will let you choose to keep active selections and/or active pagers as they where when you saved, so that the procedure will always use that specific subset.
Kind regards,