Error when refreshing MS Office file

Eduard Sales
Eduard Sales Active Partner
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes



I'm trying to refresh an Excel file with some Board Layouts in it.

The simplest procedure (1 action, just the "Refresh MS office" action) is not working, and it is showing the "classic" error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"


It's been a long time since I last used this Refresh MS procedure action, I do recall some issues... but I'm not sure how I solved it last time. Could it be related with the user running the Board Service?


Some more info

- Board version: 9.0.3

- MS Excel Version: 2007

- I am using the Board Client installed in the same server machine, via Remote Desktop (for now)



Any comment will be appreciated, many thanks!




  • Dear Eduard Sales,


    thanks for your request.


    At the moment I tested the procedure step with the actual 10.1.4 Version of BORD without any problems.


    Which configuration you are using? Just refresh File or do you also change the selection?


    Do you have tried the other opportunity / function?


    The refresh in general is performed manually or scheduled?


    If scheduled, is the running user aluthorized for the folder where the file is located?


    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Hi Alexander,


    Thanks for your response.


    The final goal is to run the refresh automated, but I am starting with the "basic" scenario:


    - Manually running a procedure with the Board Client installed in the Server machine

    - Only refreshing the file (not applying any selection)

    - I am logging into the server via Remote Desktop and through a user that belongs to the Administrator group


    My next test will be changing the user that is running the Board Server. Before it was the "System Local", I changed it to the user I use to log in (which belongs to the Administrator group), but the error persists. I will try to ask the customer to use the local Administrator to run the Board Service.


    Any more ideas are welcome though!





  • Dear Eduard Sales,


    I think that it has nothing to do with the Account which runs the engine.


    Please try to place the file in BOARD folder and see what happens.


    Please perform also a test when you activate the checkbox for the selection and see what happens.


    Alternate you can also perform a try with VBA Makro, which updates your data.


    It´s another solution, but depending to the case it can make also sense.




    Alexander Kappes

  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Hi Alexander,


    I tried both using "apply selection" and also placing the file into the "C:\Board\Dataset" folder, but the error message still shows up and the file does not refresh.


    I think I will wait until we upgrade to the 10.1.4, and then try again. If it's still not working, then maybe we start exploring the VBA path.


    Of course, any new ideas/suggestions are welcomed.






  • Hello Eduard,


    an important point is whether you are getting the error or not if you refresh the Office file directly from the file itself. Is that the case?




  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Hi Davide,


    Thanks for your response.


    The file is indeed updating OK when performing a workbook update or a sheet update directly on the Excel file.


    To discard any issue with that particular file: The refresh does not work in any Excel file of that particular customer (there are some of them).

    In fact, I created a new excel file from scratch, with only 1 single dataview with 2 cubes, and that is the one I've been focusing my tests, in order to have the simplest case possible.






  • Dear Eduard,


    may you check the Language associated to the user profile on the Board security? Is it set to None? If not, change it to None. Then, restart the Board Client and try again the Refresh Office file action.


    Let me know


  • Eduard Sales
    Eduard Sales Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer 5 Likes

    Hi Davide,


    I just tried what you mentioned... and IT WORKED!


    Thank you very much for your help! I will keep developing the "proper" refresh now, not just the test.


    May I ask: What is the logic behind the Language must be set as "None"? Is this a previous bug present on older add-in versions?


    I just want to understand the full picture... but thanks again!




  • Hello Eduard,


    There was an incompatibility between the language settings coming from Board 7 until Board 9 and some versions of excel.

    This has already been solved in the latest releases.



