Board 11 has eaten my donuts!

My donuts have disappeared!
All gone! Pies are still available in rough quantities.
Who knows how to get back my beloved donuts ?
Does anyone know how to transfer the format of one object to another?
Does someone know how to change fonts (CI)?
Help is welcome!
Hi Dirk,
Board 11 can do anything. BOARD would never take a feature away without good reason or without telling its users. I've not had any conversion problems what-so-ever. See for yourself. My doughnuts look good enough to dunk.
I call this one 'tired pie'
OK, they're fake...I can't do it either. Maybe it can be done but I've searched and have resolved to 'work-a-round' the issue in my migration plan. I think the doughnuts were eaten by the 'new kids', Gauge and Bullet. We still have good ole' pie though and we can overlay that with a shaped label which is how I created these. Can we take a minute to reflect on that point a moment? Ah, so they fixed the overlap issue, fan-blooming-tastic.
You can apply a general colour (color ) style in the Right hand PIE drop-down menu - Here, I've applied 'Flower'.
To colour specific segments, drop down the SERIES menu and select each category in turn - Here I've chosen LH of the three segments and coloured it amazing grays.
Hope this made you smile cause I know it sure didn't fix your problem much - sorry .