B11 vs Extract Cube

in the yesterday's webinar I read that in the conversion from B10 to B11 the Xtract cube have to be replaced with a Extract layout.
Is this a manual activity? Or the action is automatically adapted?
If I convert a procedure how this action will appear at the end? what shoudl I do?
I have thousands xttract cubes, changing them manually results in a huge work.
Extract cube works in version 11 the same way it was working in version 10: it extract the cubes in a text file sorting the file columns in the most efficient way.
The most efficient way in Board 10 was depending on 2 factors: MAX item number and sparsity.
Board 11 does not have Max item number and sparsity so the column order is different.
Example if you have 3 entities A,B and C in the structure of your cube in Board 10 the headers of the extracted file will look like
A B C value
In Board 11 this might be unchanged or it might vary, for example it can be
B C A value
Because by default the extract cube uses the most efficient extract
In the procedure step extract cube of board 11 we introduced the possibility to select the columns and their order, so in case you have such a discontinuity you can select the column order from the procedure step.
For example i am extracting the cube gross sales by Month, Customer and Product
I can also decide to extract in a different order, for example Customer, Month and Product
Or i can do something that was not possible in previous versions like extracting it by Year, Month and Customer
I know that it might take some time to review all these procedure steps, but we created this functionality to make this transition as smooth as possible.
This functionality also solves another issue: in Board 10, in case of a change in Max item number the extract might vary, using this functionality keeps the format of the file no matter what, so from now on you should not face this problem anymore.
Hope this is clear,
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Ciao Antonio
thanks a lot! great improvement
Finally, you mean that the action is migrated but the file extracted may have a different column order, isn't it?
So I have to review related data readers or other sources that uses such file.
I'm interested to understand how much workload involves the migration for this changed behaviour.
Grazie, saluti
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Yes, that's exactly what I meant,
Have a nice day!
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More generally, I wouldn't write "minor or none" impact on procedures...