B11 vs Extract Cube



in the yesterday's webinar I read that in the conversion from B10 to B11 the Xtract cube have to be replaced with a Extract layout.


Is this a manual activity? Or the action is automatically adapted?

If I convert a procedure how this action will appear at the end? what shoudl I do?

I have thousands xttract cubes, changing them manually results in a huge work.




  • Hi Daniele Di Lorenzo,

    do you have a link to that Webinar?

    BR, Ray

  • Ciao Antonio


    thanks a lot! great improvement


    Finally, you mean that the action is migrated but the file extracted may have a different column order, isn't it?

    So I have to review related data readers or other sources that uses such file.


    I'm interested to understand how much workload involves the migration for this changed behaviour.


    Grazie, saluti

  • Yes, that's exactly what I meant,


    Have a nice day!

  • Francesco Bortolin
    Francesco Bortolin Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Up Votes Board Developer First Comment

    More generally, I wouldn't write "minor or none" impact on procedures...