Screen point of view bar

Hi All,

I'm new to Board and moving first steps in developing screens/report.

Is it possible to create a screen with a bar which works as a "Point of view" selection? I'm trying to better explain:

When the user selects a screen, before reading and calcuating data I Want the user to select filters for Scenario-Company-Year and period and click on a "refresh" button to let the system read and calculate only the selected portino of data.

Any advice really aprecciated.

We are running V11 cloud


Thank and regards




  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Massimo Stucchi,


    my idea would be to provide a "landing page" to the user, populated with buttons/labels to access those screens where you want to apply that selection. Each button/label would then start a procedure with an "interactive selection" on scenario/company/year to get the user's desired selection. The next step in the procedure would be a call of the desired screen with the selection applied.


    Hope this helps!



  • Hi,


    another simple way is using ATO. So the page (report) is only rendered when the user makes his selections.


    For further Information have a look at About ATO