Use webclient and desktop at the same time?



is it possible to use webclient and desktop version at the same time? Or will it usually lead to user- oder licsenseproblems like getting blocked/banned (like formerly using to instances of board desktop)?


Or is it a question only my office it can answer :-) ?






  • From my experience, this is not possible.


    If I am logged-in as user1 in the windows client and I try logging-in in the web client as user1 as well, i get this message

    Invalid user: this user is already logged in elsewhere.

    to test in web the developments done in the windows client, I use a second user.


    Or will it usually lead to user- oder licsenseproblems like getting blocked/banned?

    No (Board 10.1.4).

    Worst case is, if I log-in as user1 in the web client from PC1, then go to PC2 and log-in as user1 in the web client, it logs user1 out on PC1. As a PC2 user, I have no message that I logged in twice, or that i logged myself out on PC1.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Hannes Keller,


    since you will sign in to BOARD (whether it is via Win- or via Web-Client) usually using the same credentials this should not cause any trouble. As far as I know this will not be treated as "formally using two desktop licenses".

    As interested typ stated correctly you'll get into trouble when trying to connect at the same time--you can't be logged on twice.


    Kind Regards,


  • you can't be logged on twice.

    which is quite a pain when you develop a capsule for the web...

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    sure is...

    If you're developing for the web and not all options are available for configuration of your desired objects, you'd need two user accounts--yes, it's a pity--but you'll find this behaviour in other solutions as well, since you wouldn't want to mess things up.

    Kind Regards,Helmut

  • I see another dev practice change with the imminent release of 10.5.0 which is the loss of multiple sessions with the same login credentials when using desktop. I will really miss this feature as to be able to log into several models and make comparisons simultaneously is a fantastic feature. To be able to immediately stop what one is developing and log into another model to assist a power user is so useful as I’m less likely to forget where I had gotten to before needing to assist a user. Also, being able to log into the same server after a model crash to check task manager has helped greatly. With 10.5.0, one will have to either save their progress to open the relevant model, use support software like gotoassist, or use another licence for accessing the same server; who’s company will give a developer 2 if those rather expensive DEV licenses for each server?. I am quite upset at this as I see it to be a backward step in versatility and a little erosion to BOARDs USP.

  • Brendan Broughton
    Brendan Broughton Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 100 Up Votes 25 Likes

    Hi Paul, I'm with you, it's very useful and something that all our BOARD clients utilise, and that I'm sure they will complain about if it disappeared.  Where did you read/hear about this change? I wasn't aware of it at all.

  • Hi Brendan.  I enquired to our BOARD UK sales manager about the new features of a web only model and at the time of asking, Sep 2017, was informed that multi instance access will probably not be supported in the html5 model.  I will be enquiring further at BOARDville2018 as web only is very exciting but at the same time very concerning if DEVS are to lose valuable features.

  • Brendan Broughton
    Brendan Broughton Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 100 Up Votes 25 Likes

    Thanks Paul Wyatt - Avison Young UK, good (but not good) to know if you get my drift.  Unfortunately I'm not at BOARDville this year but I'll get my partner Kim Pinkerton to keep his ears open.

  • This brings me to the question, how to use web in the future. Right now, and I just started using it, it feels like I cannot have multiple screens or instances open? It feels very uncomfortable to switch screens and not to be able to have a couple screens open at the same time. Is that really how it is or am I using it wrong? It would be, let's say, "not good"!


    I just tried opening to browser tabs but I get logged out on the first one, logging in on the second one.



  • Hi Hannes, thanks to your query, I've raised an idea relating to your very good observation.


    Multi Instance feature for BOARD 10.5.0 

  • Oh excellent idea :-)