B11 vs StandAlone partner licenses



With the full web approach it seems stand alone licenses, commonly used by partners, are no more working.


How they can connect ?



  • Hello,

    This topic is already contained (but not solved ) in this thread: Standalone License in web? 

  • I also, cannot see the other thread and this is an issue for us. We have a partner helping us but we only have one dev license and when he logs on, it logs me off, which is obviously ineffective.

  • Gerrit Kohrs
    Gerrit Kohrs Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 10 Comments 25 Likes
    edited August 2022

    Hi Board-Team!

    Any updates on this older, but still very valid question by Daniele?
    @Fabrizio Straccia: Would you be able to look into this? It doesn't only concern our partner licenses. We actually do have customers who have bought stand-alone licenses back in the days and it seems that their investment is lost as soon as they get rid of the win client.

    Thanks in advance & Kind regards,

    Gerrit Kohrs
    Head of BU SCM
    celver AG
  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited August 2022

    Hi Gerrit

    we need to distinguish between two different points.
    - the usage of partner SA licenses to login at a customer environment
    - customers SA licenses after migration to a web only version.

    For the second point I kindly ask, to contact the local board sales department. 


    Björn Reuber
    Support Tech Lead
    Board Deutschland GmbH