Checkbox column in Smart Import

I am building a page with a smart import object, and we would like to have a column that is a checkbox. Is this possible? I have not been able to find a setting for this.
Alternatively, we will use a dropdown Yes/No picklist, so we do have a plan B, but I wanted to confirm if this is possible or not.
Thank you,
Accepted Answer
Hi Krisztina,
I do not believe that it is possible to upload a dataset with a checkbox value using the smart import feature. What I would suggest is to first edit your data set to convert the check/no-check to a boolean value (checked = 1, no check = 0) and then upload this using the smart import object. On the screen above the smart import object, you can then display the uploaded data using a dataview. On this dataview you can then display the data as a checkbox, by opening the layout of the dataview, and in dataview settings there is an option to update the column appearance to a checkbox. I hope this helps!
Hi Krisztina,
I agree with @Gary Beardsley's answer: It's actually not possible to add a checkbox column, but I'd workaround it going through a boolean "1" "0" dataset, rather than yes/no….it will ease additional filtering and/or further evaluations based on this column's values.
Then, if you'll add this imported column in a dataview, you'll be able to represent it as checkbox via the usual layout implementation.
Thanks for posting on Board Community.
Best Regards
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Thank you both for confirming my suspicion! I will move onwards accordingly.
Best Regards,