Improve the Community experience with Accepted Answers

Members make Community great, and we’re thrilled about all the engagement we’ve seen since re-launching the Board Community in early February! Both the Platform Forum and Academy Forum have been buzzing with activity, and we thank all members for their dedication to timely and detailed responses to questions posted.
Improved member experiences are always top of mind for us, and often—seemingly small actions can have a large impact. If you like all the activity in the forums so far this year (and we hope you do!), original posters of a forum question can help elevate the experience by simply answering— ‘Did this answer your question? Yes No’ —when prompted at the end of an answer received. Here's what it looks like:
By selecting 'Yes,' you let the Community know that you've received at least one satisfactory response to your question. Members can easily see that a posted question has at least one accepted answer by viewing the Answered indicator with associated checkmark on the a forum landing page. Along with content tags and comment count, here's what it looks like:
All accepted answers to a forum question then appear at the top of the list of all answers under the heading:
Of course, not all answers work on the first try, and you also have the option to select 'No.' Selecting 'No' will simply leave the reply in the running list under the heading Answers for others to reference.
Forums are a great way to crowdsource answers to problems, big and small. We invite all members to elevate the Board Community experience by simply answering—Did this answer your question?
Let us know what you think about your forum experiences so far this year in the comments below.
The forum keeps improving. Great! :-)