When users enter the Board main page, they would like to see all the capsules that they have access to in one place. These capsule cards can be customized nicely to show some preliminary information using sparkline/footer, they can be color coded, have backgrounds and icons.
However, now, if we want to make sure that only certain users have access to certain capsules, we need to put them in folders and put security on these folders. The folders cannot be color coded, cannot contain graphs or backgrounds and have a default icon. They are quite dull.
When we enter "Folder security", it is only possible to create security profiles using folders. If, however, Capsules were also added to the rules list, and the folder security profiles could be applied to folders AND capsules, this problem would be solved. We could have all the capsules on the landing page, set them up in an appealing way, but also make sure that only certain users have access to certain capsules.