It’s been eight months since we re-launched the Board Community, and we’re excited about the momentum and energy coming from you—our valued members! In that time, we’ve achieved new membership milestones and launched or expanded a multitude of content, programs, and forum experiences.
Active members are the foundation of a successful Community experience, accelerating and maximizing value for the entire ecosystem. Until now, those members with the most posts and comments during the current month have been recognized on the homepage Leaderboard. We believe the value that you bring to the Community is broader than that, and today, we’re launching a new recognition experience—Community ScoreBoard—that awards points more broadly, recognizing expanded interactions and contributions to Community.
How do you earn points?
- Earn badges for daily interactions, such as answering forum questions and commenting on knowledge posts. Various points are assigned to badge thresholds.
- Earn badges for one-time activities, including adding a profile picture, using the @mention function in a comment, or selecting ‘Yes’ to a forum post question . Various points are assigned to one-time badges.
- Earn badges for positive reactions received, such as receiving a ‘like’ to a comment or an ‘up vote’ in Idea Exchange. Various points are assigned to badge thresholds.
- Earn various points for value-added contributions, such as providing the first answer to a question, authoring knowledge content, or having an answer accepted
The more you participate, the more you earn!
What’s next?
Today, you can see the monthly point leaders on the 'ScoreBoard' located on the home page. Continue to participate in Community each month for a new opportunity to achieve a high score.
A little recognition goes a long way! We'll feature a select group of top-scoring members here in Community in the coming months. You can also send your appreciation directly to members here in Community by using the 'messages' feature (envelope) in the upper right corner.
The Board Community is centered around providing maximum value for members, and all member interactions are impactful. Together, we’ll continue to grow and maximize the value of the Board Community. Let us know what you think in the comments below.