Migration to Board 14.1 - Difficulties I found

Hello Community,
Lately, I worked on the migration of my main customer's application from Board 12.6 to Board 14.1.
Naturally as in any migration, I ran into some issues I would like to share with you. I would also like to know if the rest of the community is also migrating to Board 14.1 and the eventual problems you possibly found, so I can all be vigilant on my side as well.
Before starting, I'd like to thank the @Support Board team. They have been very serious, responsive and dedicated when it comes to solve the cases I brought up as quickly as possible. They are working to solve all the points here below. Thank you very much!
Here is what I found; please feel free to ask for more information if you need:
- Procedures defined inside a Label Layout "Action value" do not work.
When using labels to launch Procedures, sometimes we may want to use conditions or selections inside its layout to launch one procedure or another. The procedures are defined inside the action value of a Label. Unfortunately, that feature for launching procedures is not working. The only procedure that can be launched is through the classic "Run procedure". No workaround found for now.
- When collapsing and expanding groups manually, data may completely disappear.
For data views having 2 or more entities By Row, when collapsing and expanding those manually, at some point all the data will disappear as if there was no data. The only solution is to navigate in and out of the screen so it may load again. This one is particularly bad as commun users may start distrusting Board. No workaround for now.
- Data not refreshing on a Vertically aligned Data view in which we enter Data and save.
That Vertically Aligned Data view is the only object in a screen that is not being refreshed after the corresponding procedure step (inside a save procedure). No Data Entry is possible after the Data View is in that state. This one is pretty problematic, no workaround for now. It's a good idea to extend the tests to any Vertically aligned Data view. For one example, see here below. Values in red should always be same:
Before data entry:
After entering 1000 for July 24, values on top center and bottom right are different:
- Aesthetic problem on some Data views.
On the column menu, when there is an underline pattern defined (here wide lines that show up in two colors) but disactivated on the respective check box, Board 14.1 may anyway show it. The workaround is easy: Select the Data view in design mode, on the tab Design>Columns> Hit the toggle "Underline" twice to activate and disactivate and it will disappear.
- Quick layout RESTORE button does not restore to default.
In play mode, once we changed the quick layout and clicked OK, the Restore button will not bring it back to the default. Also, once the Quick layout has been changed it will also remain stuck in that "Non-default" position when you navigate back and forth to another screen.
- ATO gets stuck if the user scrolls down when a drop-down list is opened
If the user hit the "+" for creating a new member in an ATO, a pop-up window will show. The user will then choose Code, Desc and parents for the new member. When the number of parents is big, it will be necessary to scroll down the pop-up window to reach all of them. If the user scrolls with a drop-down list opened, the drop-list will strangely move with the scroll and get stuck down below. At some point, it will be no longer possible to see the drop-down list for any parent choice, so it will be impossible to finish the member creation. Workaround is easy: The user will have to cancel the member creation and do it again.
- Error on a Data view when the filter is set to a cube having a Data Entry.
Sometimes (and not always) if the cube used as reference for a filter has a data entry, the layout may show an error. Workaround: Removing that data entry may solve the problem.
I hope this helps you to detect problem on your application.
Best regards,
Lucas Charello
Hi @Lucas Charello ,
thanks for pointing those out. Some of them are not easy to detect and it's not always possible to find a workaround.
But as I'm sure you've created a ticket for each we'll certainly see some progress, soon.
Helmut0 -
Thank you, @Lucas Charello for this time saving and quality check.