Suggested value in smart import

ANKITA SAHA Active Partner, Community Captain
10 Comments Second Anniversary Year 2 Community Captain Board Developer

The smart import gives functionality to use suggested values.

But these suggested values don’t work when I download and upload the template. As a result if I enter any data that is not in suggested value it still gets accepted.

Kindly advice how can I resolve this issue.

Accepted Answer

  • Dorra Ben Hmida
    Dorra Ben Hmida Employee
    10 Comments Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓


    As far as I know, in Smart Import, the 'Suggested Values' option is designed to work this way.

    However, you have the 'Validation Rules' option, which could be a solution in this case. An error message will appear if the data you entered in the template does not comply with the validation rule.

    More information can be found in our Board manual at the following link

    Kind regards,
