Hi, just a short question, how can I use a label to show the DataModel entity "Users"? If I set @Users I get the system User with and S at the end.
Hi @Jordi Vilamajo ,
do you really have an entity populated with the users' names in the system? Or do you rather expect that such an entity should be available in the first place (which is not the case)?
The substitution formula "@user" will always give you the name of the currently logged-in user (your name if you're working with the screen).
If you have that entity and it is populated, how shall the display of those members look like—a table? That would help in answering your question.
Best, Helmut
Hi Helmut,
Let me add more detail to clarify.
We do have an entity in the Data Model named "Users".
It is synchronized with the System Users listed in the SubHUB. So this entity includes all Sub HUB users:
The Security Set up selects Entity "Users" based on the @User, the logged-in user.
So in a screen I would like to see both in order to track the correct mirroring of both. For that I would like to see two labers, one with the system user (@User) and the DataModel user (@Users). The first works fine, but for the second I get the first with an S at the end.
I have confirmed that the mirroring is correct using a Selector to display entity Users. But I would like to do it with a Label because it is more clean.
Please let me know if you need any further clarification.
Hi, try @Selection_Ex(Entity="Users") Otherwise, I'd suggest to rename the entity, since the substitution formula @User beats @Users.
Kind regards, Bettina
Your expression does not work. I tested it also with other entities and then it worked fine. But no for entity "Users".
I guess the only option is to change the name of the dimension. Is this operation save? I looks quite risky. This entity is the base of all the security in the DataModel, so I can not play around with it :)
Hm, worked for me pretty fine. But I tested with B14, maybe there is a difference in versions.
If you rename an entity, of course, you need to make sure to adjust ALL @User statements. Especially, in database security profiles this needs to be adjusted. Do you have test/development system where you can test before operarting on the open heart?
I discard to change the name of the entity. To much risk and to much work. At the end it was just to be able to control the different user dimensions in a more elegant way.
I expected something easy as you proposed. We have installed the last version 14.1 and with the latest updates. So it should work as well.
This is how it looks like my test_screen: On the left a Selector that shows that Users has Jordi_Test selected. On the right the label displaying as text. Do you see any error?
Did you refresh the screen? I noticed that sometimes you need to refresh the screen to update your selection script. For me it works (in B14.2)
design vs play mode
Hi Bettina, I requested to have our S2 environment updated to 14.2. The work has been completed this morning and right know i did the test. But unfortunately it did not work.
So it must be another thing. But don't stress yourself it would have been something nice to have but it is not crucial.
Thanks anyway for your support.