Error Message

edited April 2020 in Platform



when trying to access a planning capsule I get this error message:



The planning still seems to work but the error message is irritating the user. Any idea what this is about?

Do I need to clear the cache? If so, how can I do that?





  • Daniel Zillmann
    Daniel Zillmann Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes

    Hi Mathias,

    Nice to see you here. I hope you are well and enjoying summer in Hamburg. 


    I am assuming you are not getting any errors in the Windows Client?


    Those errors are most of the time related to certain objects on the screen that are causing issues in the web environment.


    I don't think this has anything to do with the cache.


    Some suggestions to find out where the error comes from:


    - Change the home screen of the capsule and see if it opens up without any issues, maybe an empty screen at first would be best

    - If the first test was successful, change the home screen back to the original one and save the screen under a different name (so that you always have the original). Now start deleting objects on the home-screen one by one and open the capsule in the web environment every time after you have deleted an object. At some point the error message should go away and you know which object was causing the issue. You can post it here and we can try to find out what the issue was.

    - Does the home-screen have a mask? Or was that mask deleted at some point? I have had that error message in the past where my client deleted a mask but the screen was still referring to it, that caused issues for the web version.


    Let me know how you go.



  • What does the web log file say ?

    If you look directly on the BOARD web server, within the folder ...\App_Data\log, you should find one file for each day (named BoardWeb-20180614.log for today for example).

    In this file, the code_ref = 1528932093957 should give you the position where the detailed error message is.

  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply.


    I will take a look at your proposals in the following days. However I guess I found the reason by accident.

    As mentioned the error message was shown for a plannning capsule, which has empty cubes until a planner enters his values.

    These cubes were used in some graphs and data views on the landing screen of the capsule. After I filled the cubes with some values the error message dissapears.


    Kind of irritiating error message but assume this is the work around for now.





  • Nobuyuki Homori
    Nobuyuki Homori Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

    Hi Mathias-san


    Do you mind  show me  the error part of Web.log?
    There is an error that probably looks the same on my customer's Screen.

    It can help my judgment whether it can be solved in the same way.


    Thank you.



  • Unknown
    edited March 2020



    Hope this helps.





  • Nobuyuki Homori
    Nobuyuki Homori Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Board Developer Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

    Hi Mathias-san


    Thank you very much for your help.
    It was different from the case I have (Can not read property 'colType' of null).
    I will question in a separate thread.


    Thank you.
