1 Dataview serving 2 other DataViews



What is the best approach to do the following:


I have 1 main DataView.  The user selects a row in this DataView to load more details in 2 other DataViews (each with its own specific details) on the same screen.  In other words, have the Drill-Down row functionality but then in a separate DataView on the same screen. 


Thank you in advance!



  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes

    Hi Steven,


    you could define the first main DataView as "Master" (to find in Settings). Then you could "select" one row and it will be the select for all other elements on the screen without hiding the rows of the first DataView.


    best regards
