Enhancing Coloring Features in Board
This post groups several ideas aimed at improving color functionalities in Board to create a more efficient and user-friendly design experience. Color Wheel & Eye Dropper One significant enhancement would be transforming the eyedropper icon in the color picker into a true eyedropper tool, enabling users to select colors…
Enhanced Block Format
Currently, managing block formats in Board is cumbersome due to the inability to perform a general reset of format settings for row types or across multiple blocks simultaneously. Users often find themselves adjusting colors, fonts, and other customizations individually, which can be especially time-consuming for larger…
Raise the limit of Custom Time Entities on Time Range
Main Idea: Today, the number of Custom Time Entities is limited to 4. My idea would be to raise this limit number to at least 10. It would be great to have no limit, if possible. The last project I worked on lasted 40 days. If I had a free custom time entity, I could have saved around 3 to 4 days of work, which is a…
Rest API: Additional output/storage formats for REST API call (e.g. temporary cube)
The only output format (right now) for an REST API call is to save it to an CSV file. This CSV file can be used to load an temporary cube. A direct load (without saving the file to disk) into a cube / temporary cube would be a great enhancement.
Update decimals numbers
Currently it is possible to display 2 decimal places, although the tool has many more loaded behind it. The problem is that if when updating a number, the first 2 decimals are the same, but it changes from 3 onwards, Board does not update the number because it considers it the same.