Flexi Grid - Keep Top
It would be useful to have the ability to filter the number of rows displayed by the Flexigrid object. The functionality would be similar to the "Keep Top" feature in the DataView object. Regards ,
SubscriptionHub application sorting
In the SubHub currently the applications are sorted based on the creation order, if you have several servers/application the view can be very confused for an administrator or also for users with multi platform access, all the prod and Sandbox environment are mixed up in a unique list. It could be very useful to have a…
Add sorting information to Entity-Export
We currently get information about the members of an entity to be extracted as Code/Member for standard entities and Code/Member/Parent for UBHs. Unfortunately, although there is an option to sort entity members by "Custom" (and we can import the sorting order for those entities), the sorting order information is missing…
Column sorting and filtering for the end user
Hi, it is often the case that Board replaces a previous Excel solution. In Excel there is the useful function that a filter can be placed over the columns with the help of which the user can sort in ascending or descending order. He or she can also set value filters there, for example, that only rows larger > or smaller <…
Sorting Rows - Keep Top setting for more than one dimension
We have several requirements with keep top setting AND showing more that one dimension in the dataview. It seems like this function only works as long as there is only one dimension in the rows. E.g. I'd like to have the Top 25 Materials sorted on Sales-Cube desc. on a material level - and as second information I would…
Extract/Import Trees Unsorted
Hello, I'm sure any admin of BOARD has faced the issue needing to refresh Development Cubes/Entities with new info from Production. I'm sad to say that this process is FAR less straightforward than it would seem. It is very frustrating to always have to follow the steps of : A) Remove all sorting of entities (Production)…
How to Change the Entity Order
1. Abstract An Entity sort is a parameter set when you create the Entity, which can be updated during the development phase. It may be necessary to evaluate the addition of new members or re-evaluate the order of the elements. In this case, it’s suggested to use a dynamic sorting mechanism based on a Cube and, in other…