Board 10.6 Web Service Error
Hi all,
I installed Board 10.6 on a brand new machine (MS Server 2012), and configure the Web service as followed the instruction in
I can access Board via Web on the localhost successfully, but when I tried to access Board via Web on another machine, I got the error as below, and there is no user name an password fields popup. Can anyone help on this? Thank you very much!

Wei Kong
I installed Board 10.6 on a brand new machine (MS Server 2012), and configure the Web service as followed the instruction in
I can access Board via Web on the localhost successfully, but when I tried to access Board via Web on another machine, I got the error as below, and there is no user name an password fields popup. Can anyone help on this? Thank you very much!

Wei Kong
Hi Wei Kong,
it seems to be a problem I solved in 10.5:
So please check the configuration and have changed the following in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\appSettings.config" to your own fully qualified hostname:<appSettings>
<add key="host" value="" />
<add key="boardEngine" value="localhost" />...
<add key="useSSL" value="true" />...
Best regards,Thomas
Thomas Pfau
VSB IT Services GmbH
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Hi Thomas,
Thank you very much for your kindly help!!
I just changed <add key="host" value="http://XXX.XXXX.XX(the machine name):80/" />, and your solution is working! However, it is only working when I use IP address instead of the machine name. I thought it might be DNS issue, but I could pin with machine name successfully, and in the appsettings file, I still use machine name but not IP Address.
Do you know how could this happen? Thank you very much again!
Wei Kong
Wei Kong
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Hi Wei Kong,
here a suggestion from @Daniele Gallan
You should obtain your desired configuration doing:
1. Restore the host field to the default value (http://*:80/) so the web server listens all the incoming requests to the port 80.
2. Add to appSettings.config the below field, replacing {your_url} with the one for which the login phase fails.
<add key="acceptedRedirectUris" value="http://{your_url}/Callback.html, http://{your_url}/SilentRefreshFrame.html" />.
In case you will get the same error for an other url, it is possibile to add more entries to that field e.g.
<add key="acceptedRedirectUris" value="http://{your_url_1}/Callback.html, http://{your_url_1}/SilentRefreshFrame.html, http://{your_url_2}/Callback.html, http://{your_url_2}/SilentRefreshFrame.html" />.
Best regards
Federico Cazzalini
Support Tech Specialist
Board Community
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Hello Federico,
Thank you very much for your kindly help. However, it is still not working. The situation is as below:
1. Machine A is Board Server, and the [appSettings.config] file is as below:
<add key="host" value="http://XXXX:80/" />
<add key="publicOrigin" value="" />
<add key="boardEngine" value="localhost" />
<add key="port" value="9700" />
<add key="localAuthEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="winAuthEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="anonymousAuthEnabled" value="false" />
<add key="anonymousAuthUsername" value="" />
<add key="anonymousAuthPassword" value="" />
<add key="useSSL" value="false" />
<add key="headerTitleHidden" value="false" />
<add key="chatEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="presentationEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="cognitiveSearchEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="cognitiveAnalysisEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="cognitiveCapsulesEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="fullTextSearchEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="hideProcedureHasBeenTerminatedMailboxMessage" value="false" />
<add key="environmentType" value="Development" />
<add key="acceptedRedirectUris" value="http://XXXX/Callback.html, http://XXXX/SilentRefreshFrame.html" />
2. Machine B is a client, and from Machine B, Ping Machine A via machine Name or IP Address, all successfully.
3. From Machine B, in the browser, if use IP Address of Machine A (, it could access Board Web Service successfully.
4. From Machine B, in the browser, if use Machine name of Machine A (http://XXXX/), it could not access Board Web Service successfully, and the error message is the same as previous screenshot.
5. On Machine A, I installed Board 10.6 Server, Board 10.6 client, and Board 10.6 WebApi Engine, so do I have to uninstall Board 10.6 WebApi Engine?
6. In Board Server Configuration, on the Tab [Web Service], No matter Web Service is enabled or not, I got the same error from Machine B.
So could you please help again on this issue? Thank you very much!
Wei Kong
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Hi Wei Kong,
As said in the previous post, you must reset the host field with the default value, this allow the web server to listen all the incoming requests.
Instead, in the acceptedRedirectUris you need to replace the XXXX with the url that fails.
The result should be:
<add key="host" value="http://*:80/" />
<add key="acceptedRedirectUris" value="http://XXXX/Callback.html, http://XXXX/SilentRefreshFrame.html" />
The acceptedRedirectUris is the mechanism of OAuth2 that ensure that login request come from allowed url only.
The application itself try to understand the common ones, like the machine ip, the localhost, but sometimes fails and you must provide it manually.
I have tested a similar scenario on my machine and it works. If it is still not work, please open a ticket to our support within the log file for a deeper analysis of the issue.
Best regards
Daniele Gallan
Senior Software Developer
Board Community