[FAQ] Most common questions about Board Spring 2021 release

Presentation of the new Board Spring 2021 release generated an impressive number of questions, discussions, and inquiries about the various aspects of the new version. We have consolidated the most common ones in the FAQ format and hope this summary will be useful to the wider community.
Q: Is the effort to upgrade from Board 10 to Spring 2021 equal for all Board 10 versions? For example, if the current version is 10.1, is it still easy to upgrade to the new version
A: Yes, no particular difference whichever B10 version you're coming from, the upgrade process is the same. Refer to the upgrade instructions for details.
Q: At what level is the choice of manual sparsity or automatic sparsity done? Is it per database, or per cube?
A: For each version, as was in Board 10.
Q: Question about cube versioning. It is not possible at this moment to use versions on time entity. One version on month and second version on year for instance. Will this functionality be available in the future?
A: Yes, this is supported in this release.
Q: When will BFC 5.0 be supported with Spring 2021 release?
A: Q3/2021
Q: Is there an upgrade plan for customers from B10 available?
A: Yes, it's documented in the upgrade guide and in the manual. In case of need don't hesitate to reach out to the support team.
Q: Will there be an option to do a layout selection and data entry in the same dataview
A: Yes, we'll be releasing this and other data-entry enhancements in the second half of the year.
Q: What could be the pros of setting up the sparsity manually vs sparsity set automatically?
A: The automatic setting is done by an algorithm that looks at the absolute and relative size of entities. When the size (number of members) of entities is not truly representing the real case (for example you have loaded a partial sub-set of data) then you can use a manual definition to instruct the system.
Q: Does the dataflow upgrade now allow month on month recursive dataflows?
A: Yes, there is a check-box to enable this type of recursive calculation so that you can fully control it.
Q: Currently running B10.6, each of our database is limited to 999 cubes. Will we benefit from the extended number of cubes when your existing DBs will be migrated to the Spring 2021?
A: If you're upgrading from B10 to the Spring 2021 release you will still have 999 cubes max but we will extend that limit with the Summer 2021 release.
Q: Is the new version, thanks to improvements brought to hierarchies / relationships, is it now possible to roll-up 2 base entities into one?
A: It's possible to have one "normal" entity at the base, one or more parent entities which are themselves "unbalanced hierarchies". This allows, for example, to have alternative roll-ups and see data by any of the roll-ups as well as compare them.
Q: In the "new user" embedded process, is it possible to set a condition related to country / business unit of the new user?
A: Yes, it's also possible to set a condition (select on an entity) by linking it to a claim of the SAML2. This means that if your company identity provider contains information about the user such as country, department, you can automatically link this to a Board entity to restrict access.
Q: Is Subscription Hub available only for Cloud customers or also for on-premise solutions?
A: Cloud only for now.
Q: Does Spring 2021 support the client or is only for HTML5?
A: Only HTML5 client, the fat-client is supported only until version 10.
will there be released an 10.8 Version as well with new features or is 10.7 the last released Version of the 10 Versions?0